London Brow Complaints Policy

Complaints Handling Policy & Procedure 

London Brow Company Limited are committed to providing a high-quality service to all our customers.

When something goes wrong, we need to know about it and deal with it promptly and efficiently to help us check the quality of our service, improve our standards and maintain our exceptional reputation.

If you have an informal complaint

We welcome open and honest communication from our customers and will work with you to resolve any issues you feel you have.  

Should your concerns not be satisfactorily resolved the complaint then becomes official and you will need to follow our official complaints procedure. 

If you have a formal (official) complaint

Please bring the issue to our attention, in writing with full details within 8 weeks of the issue arising.

Explain the issue as clearly and fully as possible including any action taken to date.

Explain your preferred outcome 

Allow us reasonable time to respond 

Contact our sales team first.  We are happy to deal with your complaint by phone in the first instance, or by letter or email, as you prefer.

If you wish to address someone else, please contact our Sales Manager.

What happens next?

1.  If the matter cannot be resolved after a conversation or initial correspondence, a letter will be sent to the customer acknowledging the complaint and enclosing a complaint form. The complaint can be escalated by completing this form and sending it to the Sales Manager.

2. Upon receipt of this form from the customer, the complaint will then be investigated. This will normally involve passing the complaint to our customer care manager, who will review the matter complaint and speak to the staff member or team involved.

3. A detailed written reply to the complaint will then be sent to the customer, including suggestions for resolving the matter, within 21 days of receiving the complaint form.

4. If the customer remains dissatisfied at this the Managing Director, Leigh Blackwell, will arrange for a review of the decision and work with them to identify their continuing concerns.

5. London Brow Company will write to the customer within 14 days of receiving any request for a review, confirming the final position of the complaint together with an explanation.



Regional Manager

London Brow Company Limited, 

85 Great Portland Street,


Greater London, W1W 7LT


0800 334 5373
